Saturday, March 6, 2010

How does one measure success?

How do we measure success? Through wealth? Friends? Status in life? Achievements? Rewards? Family? Through what?
Come to think of it, what is success?
The definition of 'success' from is:

1.the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2.the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3.a successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4.a person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

But is that the correct meaning of success as it applies to today? To our lives? To our opinions?

Once again, what is success?
Is it the reaching of one's goal? A job well done? A big paycheck? A fun time? Is it?

What is success?
In my opinion, the word 'success' applies to all sorts of things. A fun party could be a success. A man could be successful in his job meaning he gets well paid, promoted, etc. A team could meet with success by winning a big game. A millionaire is successful.

But is that really success?

How important is status, good times, money and victory?

Do we need those things to be successful in life?

It makes me sad to think that we base success on such fleeting things. Fun and laughter are good but don't last. One can lose money and employment as easily as gaining it. And soon those trophies will be collecting dust just like the aging body who won it.

Tempus fugit.

Time flies. Such a simple phrase. Two words. Four syllables. Eleven letters. And so true. Life could be over tomorrow. We have no more control over our lives than we do over the sun.

Then why do we measure the confusing term, success, by money, victories, good times, and status? Life is fleeting. Then why measure it with something as fleeting?

Why can't we measure one's "success" by the deeds they did without gaining an award? By the friends they had? By the things they taught? By the lives they touched? By the love they gave? By the love they received?

Love endures. True friendship endures. Lessons learned are eternal. Lives touched are touched forever. True kindness will always be remembered.

I knew a man once. He was born in a dirty part of town. His mom was a lowly teen. His father a poor craftsman. No one really cared about him except for his parents. There was no doctor. No nurse. No midwife. No cigars. No fireworks. No article or notice in the papers. Nothing but a smelly group and three strangers.

Do you know that this man grew up to be just as humble as his birth? He didn't do anything for personal gain or glory. Wanna know what the greatest thing he ever did was?

He died.

Yeah, he died. One of the cruelest death known to mankind. How glorifying is execution? A criminal death?

All he did was for others.

They returned his love and kindness with beatings and murder.

But by killing him, they allowed him to perform his greatest deed. And he got no reward that could ever be worth it.

His reward?

Us. You. Me. Them. Him. Her. Us.

And what a worthless bunch are we. I don't know if I could go a single day without a tiny error. I sin. You sin. We all sin.

How could we ever be worth the price Christ paid for us?

And we measure success in material items.

Now let's rephrase the question.

How can we measure success?
Wealth? Great times? Status in life? Victories? Trophies? Grades? Occupation?
Friends? Love? Love given? Love gained? Lessons learned? Lessons taught? Lives touched? Gospel shared? Souls gained?
How can we measure success? Could we ever measure up to Him? Do we need to even think about success?
Did He?
Was He?
Does it matter?
What is success?